Red Dragon Fruit Superfood or Pitaya Powder - 100g | My Blue Tea
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My Blue Tea's Red Dragon Fruit or Pink Pitaya are grown and harvested in farms that offer the best conditions to bring you high-quality superfoods that contain Betacyanins as its active compound. 

Chefs and foodies from around the world are using this superfood to create award-winning dishes that sparkle with natural, brilliant colours. Dragon fruit has rightfully earned its exotic reputation with its vivid colors and awe-inspiring form.


My Blue Tea's Pitaya Dragon Fruit Superfood Powder is perfect for mixing into your favorite yogurts, smoothies, desserts, and baked goods. Bring on the exciting shocking pink colour and add some creative, natural, healthy colouring to your next dish!


In baked goods, desserts, smoothies, and yogurts or according to your creativity



100% pure Red Dragon Fruit or Pitaya Powder


100 grams




NOTE: Important to read the section on Goodness and Safety

Red Dragon Fruit Superfood / Pitaya Powder - 100g

SKU: DragonFruit 90
  • The red Dragon Fruit contains Lycopene which is a natural antioxidant. Learn more of its goodness.

    Please read here.

    • Further information on the goodness of the Red Dragon Fruit
    • Advise on consumption
  • According to legend, the Dragon Fruit was created thousands of years ago by fire-breathing dragons. When a dragon breathed fire in a battle, the last thing to come out was a fruit. After the dragon was slain the fruit was collected and presented to the Emperor as a coveted treasure and symbol of victory.

    The soldiers would then butcher the dragon and eat the flesh. It was believed that those who feasted on the flesh would be endowed with the strength and ferocity of the dragon and that they too would be well looked upon by the Emperor.

    It is written that the Dragon’s Flame originated deep within its body near the base of its tail. The meat from this part of the dragon was the most desirable and most sought after portion. Only the top officers of each division would be privy to this cut of meat. The ancient Chinese called this cut the ‘jaina’, which translates literally as ‘the sweetest and best tasting.’ The jaina was treasured by all who were privileged enough to taste it, and it is believed that men’s thirst for the jaina is what led to the destruction and eventual extinction of all the dragons.

    It is our great fortune that these legendary dragons shared the fruit with ordinary humans. Thousands of years later, we can still enjoy its super(food) prowess!

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