How to make Pandan Tart with Wholemeal Crust?
PANDAN is the NEW Green! Words of wisdom by our recipe developer, Chloe.
"Have you every tried Pandan based or flavoured products in your food? If you have not, the distinct aromatic vanilla-liked flavour and the beautiful green hue will make you fall in love with it! Nigella Lawson loves Pandan and thinks it is the next food trend, so why not try for yourself 💚•
Traditionally, we extract it from the fresh leaves, but this PANDAN POWDER is so convenient to use, and my whole kitchen was smelling heavenly😇•
Big thank you to for sending me the powder. I love it so so much! 😃"

Pandan Tart with Wholemeal Crust
Ingredients for Tart Shell:
*1 ½ cup organic wholemeal flour
*1/3 powdered sugar
*100 gram cold buttery coconut spread
*1 tsp vanilla bean extract
*Pinch of pink
*Himalayan salt
Ingredients for Filling:
*1 cup coconut water (dilute 1 tspn Coconut Water powder into the water)
*1 cup almond milk 1/3 cup caster sugar
*1 tsp agar agar powder
*Pinch of pink Himalayan salt
*2 avocados
*2 tsp MY BLUE TEA - Pandan Powder

Health benefits of Pandan
To make the Crust :-
(1) Place all ingredients, pulse to combine well until you get a coarse crumbs texture.
(2) Transfer mixture to the tart pan, press firmly to the bottom and sides of the tart pan.
(3) Shape them well.
(4) Once ready, place it in the fridge to firm up.
(5) Right before baking, pierce all over the bottom of the tart crust with a fork.
(6) Then bake it at preheated oven (180 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes or until the edges turn to a nice golden brown shade.
(7) Let it cool on a wire rack while you prepare the filling.
To make the Filling :
(1)Add coconut water, milk, sugar and agar agar powder in a small saucepan over medium low heat.
(2) Let the mixture simmer until sugar and agar agar has completely dissolved. (stirring constantly to avoid jelly forming at the bottom of the pan)
(3) Once ready, place the avocados and 1/3 of the liquid mixture in a blender, pulse for couple of seconds until roughly combined, then add half of the remaining liquid mixture and blend again.
(4) Repeat for the last batch of liquid, blend until you get a very smooth texture.
(5) Lastly, add in the PANDAN POWDER, pulse to combine.
(6) Pour filling mixture over cooled tart shell, then smooth the surface with an offset spatula, gently tap the tart pan on the counter to release the air bubbles.
(7) Place the tart in the fridge to set for couple of hours.
(8) Decorate with fresh fruits or edible flowers before serving.

Blue Herbal Tea - our best seller and great for Winter. Contains blue flowers, lemongrass, ginger - it's SPICY & YUMMY!
This recipe is contributed by Chloe - we love her Instagram Page - you guys must follow her for some inspiration and ideas. Chloe is an interior decorator and a mother of 3. More about Chloe in our next recipe.
Preview to Chloe's next recipe - "Ombre Rose Chia Pudding" - beautiful!

Ombre Rose Chia Pudding
Ingredients :
* ¼ cup chia seeds
* 1 + ¼ cup Dehydrated Coconut Milk Powder (diluted into 1 cup water) +
1/4 cup - almond milk
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
* 3 tsp MY BLUE TEA - Roselle Powder
(## 1 tsp each for different layer)
