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Butterfly Pea Ice Cream

How to Make Easy Blue Pea Flower Ice Cream using

Blue Butterfly Pea Powder?

by Jackie M Tang,

"I got into this “food thing” because of my determination to recreate the food of my Malaysian childhood, so it’s always a bit frustrating when my efforts are hampered by the non-availability of critical ingredients in Australia. For 20 years, one such ingredient was something called bunga telang, aka blue pea or blue butterfly flower, which gives a beautiful blue hue to select Malaysian and Southeast Asian dishes.

Now that natural blue pea flower extract is available in powder form courtesy of My Blue Tea, I’m experimenting (in collaboration with the company) with different ways to use them, not just within the realm of traditional Asian cooking but also in everyday recipes.

This is one such example; a simple 3-ingredient ice cream that doesn’t require an ice cream machine."


(both names are inter-changeable)


* 600ml thickened cream * 1 can condensed milk (397g) * 2 tsps MY BLUE TEA - Blue Butterfly Powder

Butterfly Pea Flower Ice Cream | MY BLUE TEA


* Whip cream until thickened.

* Add condensed milk and blue pea powder and continue to mix until combined.

* Transfer into a container and freeze until solid.

* Serve on its own or with fruit or other toppings.

Grab the original post by Jackie on How to Make Blue Pea Flower Ice Cream? - 3 ingredients Blue Pea Ice Cream - easy and healthy, all natural plant based colours and flavours. Cooking video will be uploaded soon.

Butterfly Pea Ice Cream | MY BLUE TEA

Blue Pea Ice Cream all natural plant based colourant

Blue Herbal Tea - our best seller OR try another healthy option; The Blue Miracle Tea with Moringa leaves.


A suggestion, for the above 3-ingredient Ice Cream you might like to substitute with MY BLUE TEA - Pandan Powder and Shredded Coconut - and make it a 4-ingredient Ice Cream - add shredded coconut as topping or mixed them into the ice cream. Yum!

Pandan Ice Cream | MY BLUE TEA

Pandan Ice Cream - yum!

Sources -

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