Our very own TV Channel - www.mybluetea.com.au/tv
Creating this promotional video has inspired us to create our very own TV Channel. Yes you read that right, My Blue Tea has our very own TV channel ... and we're SO excited! It will showcase video recipes and TV Specials.
Many of our popular Blue Tea and Pandan products are on sale for a limited time. Visit www.mybluetea.com.au/tv for special offers as well as nutritious, delicious and easy recipe videos by Jackie M. We'll be adding more video recipes over time.
The first video promotion features Clitoria Ternatea (Blue Pea Flowers) and Pandan products. Over time, we hope to add video recipes and video promotion to this TV channel.
Thank you to these Stars!
The Chefs:
We couldn't have created this commercial alone, so we invited some local master chefs to show us the beautiful and delicious creations that can be made with Blue Tea and Pandan:
Blue Cow Gelato - Butterfly Pea Salted Coconut Gelato
Butler & Bentley - Blue Sourdough Bread
For Flavours Sake - Pandan Swiss Roll and Pandan Cheesecake
The people behind the scenes:
Actors - Sabrina Tay, Donna Harding, Ray Lind, Chris Flockhart, Jane Hung, little Jesse Tay and Max, the puppy dog.
Videographer - Stuart Lyall, Vermilion Pinstripes
Marketing Agency - Veronica Lind, Vermilion Pinstripes
TV - Matthew Clark from WIN Television
Ready, Set, Action!
There are many, many people behind this ad, look through the pictures below to get a glimpse of what was going on behind, and in front of the cameras to get you a MasterChef-worthy ad!
TV Special Offers!
Visit our TV Channel for special offers and video recipe tutorials!