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Artificial Colouring - an article from Top Healthy Life

"M&M’s Candies Are Linked to Cancer, Migraines, Hyperactivity, Allergies, Anxiety, & More"

The Hidden Health Risks of Food Dyes -

How bad is Red 40 and those other synthetic dyes?

Americans are now eating five times as much food dye as they did in 1955. That statistic isn’t as surprising when you consider that since then food dyes have made more and more inroads into our foods colour — from breakfast cereals to ice creams. While natural colourants made from foods like beets are available, many manufacturers opt for synthetic dyes — which may have dangerous health consequences, particularly for children, according to a recent report from the Centre for Science in the Public Interest. This is why the nonprofit Washington, D.C.-based consumer watchdog has asked the US Food and Drug Administration to ban them. Such man-made food dyes appear in ingredient lists as a name of a colour with a number following it: Blue 1 and 2, Citrus Red 2, Green 3, Red 3 and 40, Yellow 5 and 6.

The three most widely used culprits—Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40—contain compounds, including benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl, that research has linked to cancer.

Research has also associated food dyes with problems in children including allergies, hyperactivity, learning impairment, irritability and aggressiveness. A U.S. study published in Science found that when children who scored high on a scale measuring hyperactivity consumed a food-dye blend they performed worse on tests that measured their ability to recall images than when they drank a placebo. A 2007 British study found that children who consumed a mixture of common synthetic dyes displayed hyperactive behavior within an hour of consumption. (These children had not been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.) The results, published in The Lancet, prompted Britain’s Food Standards Agency to encourage manufacturers to find alternatives to food dyes.

Some information on Artificial Food Colouring that you might like to know. Be informed.

Happy Reading! -…/

Artificial colouring M&Ms

M&Ms were created in 1941 by Franklin Clarence Mars. Namely he was the founder of Mars Inc. and starter the first Mars candy factory in 1911 in Tacoma, Washington. Nowadays the most popular candies of this company are the M&Ms. Today these candies are sold in over 100 countries with 33 different fillings. Also there are some interesting facts surrounding these candies.

For example the candy-coated chocolate ones were created specially for the soldiers, so they could carry chocolate with them without worrying of the melting. That where their logo comes in – “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand”.

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Blue Herbal Teabags or Blue Butterfly Pea Powder

If you are wondering what the two “M”s represent, you should know that the one is for Forest E. Mars Senior and the other one is for William F. R. Murrie, the son of Hershey chocolate’s president who had a 20% share in the product. Due to their partnership, Mars was allowed to use Hershey chocolate in the products. We need to mention that Hershey had control of the rationed chocolate at the time.

Hone | Blue Tea | MY BLUE TEA

Blue and green honey makes French beekeepers see red - read article below

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